+90 532 474 07 80|Mon - Sat: 7:00 - 17:00| anorikan@anorikan.com
WhatsApp: +90 532 474 07 80


EXPORT SERVICES - Supplying products from Turkey - General Foreign Trade Consultancy - Contacting / Communication with Turkish Producers & Manufacturers - Online meetings - Customs operations in Turkey - Logistics & Transportation services - International Inspection Services in Turkey - Agricultural-Food Consultancy - Special Agricultural & Food Projects - Investments (Land, Factory, Plant) PRIVATE [...]
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TURKISH PRODUCTS OUR BUSINESS ANORİKAN DIŞ TİCARET LTD was founded in Izmir (2010) and the company has been active in the same city and Istanbul along with a strong supplier network locally. Since 2010, Our Company has been supplying high-quality Turkish Products under various brand names from domestic sources. What makes us unique is that [...]
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